Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentine's Day... I Heart Chocolate

Happy day-after Valentine's day! My weigh-in yesterday - I was down 0.4 lbs again. Okay not earthshaking but hey, that's three weeks in a row with a weight loss, so I'm happy about it.

Yesterday was also Valentine's Day... I need a T-Shirt that says "I survived Valentine's Day". My husband, my biggest supporter, did not buy me chocolate. I was glad he didn't. I was disappointed he didn't. No, really, I was glad he didn't. We decided not to go out for a price-inflated dinner and opted to cook. Yes! I could control what I ate if I ate it at home. So, we had steak - which Scott bbq'd (a little too well done for my liking, but... meh.... still tasted good!) T-Bones! I baked a few potatoes, steamed some asparagus, and made a delicious spinach salad. Very healthy dinner. Until the bread. My weakness is carbs.. bad carbs... like delicious french bread! sigh... tasted great! Okay, I did limit the bread so I did maintain some control. Dinner was great, I didn't finish my steak and gave half of it to Scott.

Oh, I found a new salad dressing that I love! Renee's Wellness, Tuscan Vegetable... 0 points!! HUGE flavour. Try it.

Did I say I 'heart' chocolate? Yep. I do. So while Scott did not buy me chocolate, we did have a delicious chocolate swirl cheesecake for dessert. Why, pray tell, do I not check these things out before I eat them? I had a tiny piece - and I mean tiny - and it was 7 points. 7! ARGH. I vowed never again would I waste so many points on such a tiny bit of food again. NEVER! Oh the determination. The resolve. The guts!

I survived Valentine's Day. Today is Sunday. I had some delicious black-bean soup for lunch with the leftover salad and my new favourite dressing. Total lunch points - 3!! Ya baby. I'm good. I feel in control. I feel successful. I need to celebrate my success...

um....please pass the cheesecake!

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