Tuesday, August 5, 2008

What's for lunch??

Well, I'm at work, and blogging... a no-no. So fire me. Okay that might not be a bad idea!

I had breakfast today, woohoo!!! Success! Delicious cardboard tasting Shredded Wheat with, thankfully, a handful of fresh blueberries on top, and the required amount of skim milk. I've grown to love skim milk, weird.

Now it's lunch and I'm wishing I had brought my lunch with me. I have to desert my office, and head down the echoing hallways to the elevators (note to self: change from heels that click to runners for the daily food run!). I must admit the food court at the hospital scares me. Yes, the hospital! This is where I work. This is where the most unhealthy eating of my day takes place.

I stand and stare at all the food stuffs - fries, hot dogs, mystery meat, jello, ugh. I think I'll head to Burger King (also in the hospital)... wait, not the best idea (lesson 1: think before you purchase!) Okay, so I'll take another look in the cafeteria and pick out something (hopefully) appealing - like, salad. I think I am the only dieter that absolutely hates salad.

That brings me to my next point - the "D" word. Diet/Dieter/Dieting/DIE. As in DIE you stupid DIET! At WW, Sue doesn't let us use the "D" word. It's evil. Sue can be evil - those nasty phone calls, those little notes she sends you when you miss... Restraining order!!!! Okay, she's not evil, and those little calls/cards are much appreciated.

Okay, walk it off, walk it off....

I'm fine now, and I'm sitting here with some fresh veggies (carrots, celery), some fresh fruit, and two yogurts. I could use some protein... like a burger... but I'll settle for what I have right now and get some protein later... not the best idea.

Lunch - my most difficult meal of the day. But, so far, I'm still on track!

I think i'll find some tuna somewhere and eat it.

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