Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Baby steps, baby steps

Who cares about whether Brangelina had twins and whether they were conceived naturally or using IVF? Okay, they are adorable babies, but I'm a baby too!

Yes, I am. I am a big FAT baby.

I've been whining about losing weight for the past two years. I even signed up at Weight Watchers and went faithfully for two years (unless I was out of town, then I considered it a food holiday). It's not entirely my fault, you know! I attended conferences, meetings, vacations, weddings, showers, and the food was always wonderful! Never did I get to choose my own food. I can listen in the saturday morning class and hear Sue tell us to "make wise choices" and then that cheesecake just about jumps off the table and into my mouth! I try to forcefully fight it off, but it wins. It wins! IT is food. IT is my lack of willpower. IT is delicious!

So, with health issues looming, and my weight not changed in the two years of paying weekly to attend the pep rally... er, meetings, I decided I must take back control. The buck stops here. No more flirting with weight loss. No more affairs with chocolate. Bring it in to the light... expose my dirty deeds..... so here goes:

Hi, my name is Heather and I (gulp) am... a... Foodaholic, and it's been 2 weeks since my last binge.

There I said it.

Food-a-holic. One who is addicted to food! That's me.

I am taking baby steps now, each day is a new adventure. Each day an experience;.

I will attend my saturday meetings regularly (or as regularly as I can, since I travel a fair bit for work) and stay on track. So, if you see me on saturday morning - ask me how I'm doing... ask if I attended my meeting, ask if any food forced it's way into my body without my approval!!

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