Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Introducing. It's an interesting word. Introducing - what? The new me? The new menu? The loser? Loser... THERE'S an interesting word. The only place LOSER is a good word is when you are intending to lose something - man, what a loser! She's a loser, he's a loser, wouldn't like like to be a loser too?

Okay, so I'm a loser at being a loser - I am probably the only person who can gain weight trying to lose it.

I digress... Introducing.... the new me, yes. Kind of like "The new adventures of the old Christine" - have you see that show? don't bother, it's not worth it. But here it is - the 'new adventures of the old Heather"... I want to win at losing. I want the GOLD MEDAL for being a loser.

I want to be slim again - not thin... just slim. I need to do all the cliche stuff... you know the words - "stay on course", put my nose to the grindstone (although that sounds painful), pull up my socks, suck it up buttercup, and of course "put on my big girl panties"... getter dun!

So, Introducing... the new improved Heather...

Now, if someone could just tell the scales to cooperate that would be very much appreciated.

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