Thursday, April 1, 2010

All you can eat fries!

Seriously.  Who does that?  We stopped at Swiss Chalet last night - I've been so focussed and needed just a wee break. Work has been tough this week with year end and a competition deadline.  Just needed something extra.  I chose my meal - quarter chicken, white, witha multigrain roll, and (gulp) yes fries! And a club soda with lime to drink.  I counted it all, no worries there.


We weren't quite finished when our server came up and asked "would you like more fries? they're free!"  ARE YOU NUTS?  Well, actually I did want more fries. Swiss Chalet fries have to be the best on the planet (next to the Rose Potato Farm).  However, i was strong - and gave a polite "no thank you."    So, although I did have the fries, I didn't have the free (all you can eat) seconds, thirds....

Enjoy your Easter weekend - weigh in is Saturday, I'll let you know how it's going!

1 comment:

Rhonda said...

This was too funny Heather. You have more will power than me that's for sure......if it's free I can't say 'no'. I don't know if that says more about my never ending appetite or my ridiculously tight budget that I can't say no to free stuff.....pack it all up and I'll take as much with me as I can! It's really kinda sad.