Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Baby bump watch

It's all over the news these days. Is that a baby bump under Jennifer Anniston's dress? Katie Holmes looks like she's got news to tell with that baby bump. Nicole Kidman shows off baby bump. Everyone seems to have one. The problem is, rarely is that true! They probably caught the poor stars coming out of lunch where they ate a bit too much! Gasp! Not just lettuce???

Well, hold the presses, there is apparently another baby bump! Yes, it's me! Now, before you get all excited, or just plain shocked... let me explain.

My husband and I were out walking around our neighbourhood the other night. It was a delightful night and we were just enjoying the stroll together. We ran into a neighbour and stopped to talk. After a few minutes of conversation my dear neighbour said "Heather, are you expecting?" *insert shocked look* Um, no I'm not, I am apparently just fat. Once she recovered from her faux pas, she fumbled around for words "oh, it must just be the top you're wearing".... ya, whatever.

We continued on our walk in silence, with me fighting back tears. Finally, I looked up at my husband and said "don't ever breathe this to another living soul." So here I am blogging it for the world to see.... Thankfully this week at Weight Watchers I was down again. I think if I had been up I'd have cried... I didn't think I looked pregnant, but, well.... maybe I do to others???? So, no I'm not expecting, and there is no baby bump watch happening in our household! Ever! Amen!

Baby bump - hmmph!

I think I'm craving ice cream!

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