Monday, May 23, 2011

Monday - Winning!

Hello to my faithful 3 followers.....

So, it's Monday.  And usually by now I've fallen off the proverbial food wagon.  Not today.  I'm still on track and tracking!

I need to clarify two things from my last post - someone emailed me and asked - when I said "food pairing", yes I meant food COMBINING.  And when I said carbs, I meant starchy empty carbs and starchy vegetables - potatoes, peas, corn,  and of course (not a veg) rice.  Not saying you can't have these, just don't mix the starchy ones with protein.

I've been eating fruit - super fruits - such as raspberries, blueberries, strawberries.  I've also doubled my tossed salad intake.

I am quite seriously feeling full all the time without adding those starches and carbs.  Now, having said that I will have potatoes this week, but I probably will not have it with a protein.  I may just have a baked potato for lunch one day and glam it up with some steam broccoli and about 1 tsp of butter.  Yes, the dreaded butter... I love it, not giving it up!  I prefer to have a natural product like butter in my body than to put 'edible oil substitute' into it, such as those crazy margarines that don't taste anything like butter!  FYI 1 tsp of margarine (regular OR calorie reduced) is 1 point for 1 tsp.  BUTTER is 1 point for 1 tsp.  I'll take the butter thank you!  Interesting point - on the WW food calculator site the margarine defaults to 1 tsp (1 point) but the butter defaults to 1 TBSP (3 points).  There are 3 tsps in a tbsp, so you do the math!

Now, the challenge today will be a BBQ with a group of friends later today.  I've already planned my 'plan of attack' for food intake.  We are leaving in about an hour from now.... so here's my plan:  I just ate a nice tossed salad with a low fat dressing, yum.  I topped that off with a fat free yogurt with some fresh berries stirred in (about a cup).  Of course, a nice cup of herbal tea (green) really topped it all off. Points for my 'lunch' = 2.  You think I'd be hungry - but I'm not.   Knowing that we are attending a BBQ with tons of people bringing "stuff" I have determined in my head (a scary place) that I will only have a burger patty (no bun), top it with tomato, lettuce, etc., stick to the tossed salads, and if there is fruit for 'dessert' I will have that.  I was asked to bring something for dessert - and was told what to bring - a family specialty that is anything but low fat!  So, I MAY have a small square (1" x 1") and have determined that tiny piece will be about 2 points.  Ugh!  Steering clear from pasta salads, potato salads, chips, dips, alcohol, all the fun stuff, sadly.

I am determined to be a winner... and I feel like I am WINNING!

Where are you?

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