Monday, May 24, 2010

The May Two-Four weekend!

Well, it's been a while... thought an update was in order!

Struggling to stay focused.  Why is it so difficult?  I want to eat well, be thin, and wear a smaller size.  Shouldn't that be focus enough?  I find that now the 'bbq season' is upon us, I have even more difficulty.

This morning, however, I was successful!  I made egg white only omelets with fresh chopped spinach and about a tablespoon of crumbled feta cheese (light, of course!).  Delicous!  Fresh fruit salad on the side completed it!    My husband, of course, decided he wanted waffles and so got out the waffle iron and away he went!  So, I don't think it's a fail to have two tiny waffles... with maple syrup, is it? 

Moving on...
My herb garden is now planted.  I'll soon be ready to cook with fresh herbs, harvested from my own backyard - including sage, cilantro, oregano, thyme, dill, lavender, rosemary, mojito mint, and two types of basil - regular and cinnamon basil.  Mmmm, imagine the flavourful cooking!!!  I'll be channeling my inner Julia.

Yesterday I signed up for the 5Km Running Room-Weight Watchers challenge.  So this morning, I began my training.  By June 23rd, I should be ready - wish me luck! 

This week's weight loss: -1.4

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