Tuesday, August 11, 2009

There is no try!

I don't really have much to say (as if I ever do...) but thought I should at least pretend to update this. Weighed in on Saturday and I was down again - yea! 1.4 lbs. I'll take that.

Summer has finally arrived .... in August! It's a typical Toronto summer - lots of humidity! Makes me wonder how much weight I can sweat off before I weigh in next week? Hmm? Probably not enough to be noticable. Rats.

I'm off to Quebec City in the morning. I'm looking forward to it. I am hoping that I can restrain myself in the food department. For this conference, lunches are provided (Thurs and Fri) and one Gala dinner on Friday night. I think I can manage around that. I'll try my best.

Try... there's a word. TRY. Three small letters. What does it mean? Put in an effort? Give it a shot? There is a wise being (Yoda, for you Star Wars fans) who said to Luke Skywalker "There is no try, there is do or do not." Profound, that little scrunched up guy. So, do I try? Since try doesn't exist, there are only two options - do - or - do not. I don't like the options.

Okay, well, I'm off to QC, and I'm excited to be going.

I'll "do" as much as I can....

or at least I'll try.... :)

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