Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Success!

I made it through Good Friday... no problems. My husband and I were busy most of the day, beginning at 3:15 a.m. when the alarm clock sounded! I could have thrown it through the window at that point! We were on our way to a Good Friday prayer vigil... and had to be there for 5 a.m. Yep, we made it. Went out to breakfast afterwards (at 7 a.m.) where I chose wisely: the menu listed 3 eggs, i asked for just 2, poached, and peameal bacon (low fat choice over regular bacon), with rye toast (hold the butter). AND COFFEE!!!!!

Mid day, I ate fruit and yogurt.

The rest of the day was fairly uneventful, thankfully. We did meet up with some friends and had a bite to eat at Williams Coffee Pub in Richmond Hill. I like that place. My husband and I shared a turkey club panini (1/2 each) which I did NOT enjoy. went home that evening, and ate a bowl of cereal. Ugh.

Weighed in on Saturday and I was down 0.8 lbs. Okay, I'll take it! Thank you. It did spur me on a bit to keep it up. From Weight Watchers (WW), we headed to IKEA to look for a bookshelf. Oooh, 99 c breakfast! We got into the line up and then an IKEA person told us that breakfast was done, but if we wanted to wait, lunch would start in 15 minutes. No thank you... I just wanted the cheapo breakfast. So, i saved myself the scrambled eggs and sausage and crap that you get for the 99c. Again, a little victory for me and one less dollar for IKEA. he he.

Picked out my bookcase and some other misc. shelves, etc. and headed for the checkout. The delicious and sinful aroma of cinnamon buns was beckoning me. While Scott lined up to pay for all my stuff, I thought, hm, no breakfast yet, maybe we should have a 50c hotdog!! So, I left him at the check out while I walked over to the food counter to order 2 50c hotdogs and 2 waters.... and um, a 6-pack of cinnamon buns. My $1 purchase (for the 2 hotdogs) turned in to $7.88 purchase (to add to my $300 IKEA bookshelves) It's okay. It's all okay. Loaded the stuff in the car and began the drive home. It was sunny and cool and the hotdog tasted like crap. ($1 wasted) the water was cold ($2) and the cinnamon buns dry ($4.88 wasted). I ate one bun - just one. When I got home I checked the points - each cinnamon bun was 8 points. Yikes. What a freaking waste of points! It was awful. Note: if you are in IKEA anytime soon, remember the cinnamon buns smell way better than they taste, and for 8 points, it's really a huge waste of money and points.

Feeling like I let myself down for eating and wasting those precious points, I made a healthy supper for the both of us: I call it "Heather's Pizza". I've written about it before, but here's the condensed version:
1 WW whole wheat tortilla (1 point),
1 tbs pizza sauce (0 point)
4 Yves veggie pepperoni slices (1/2 point)* (note 16 of these = 2 points)
30 gm light mozarella (2 points)
green peppers, onions, mushrooms (whatever veggies you want) (0 points)
I round it up to 4 points ea.
I made us two each for dinner for a total point value (each) of 7 pts (or 8 if you're rounding up). Try it, it's very filling.

So, back to the cinnamon buns.....My husband had 3 1/2 buns before the day was over. I literally felt ill watching him. Every time I looked at the package, another cinnamon bun was missing. Ick. Sunday morning he had another 1/2 bun before we left for church. The final cinnamon bun was shared 1/2 to Scott and the other 1/2 to my daughter's boyfriend before lunch - BEFORE lunch!

I wisely chose to have cereal and berries with skim milk for my breakfast on Easter Sunday. Success goes to Heather! Lunch consisted of a nice green salad (with sliced strawberries), Oven roasted potatoes, grilled pork tenderloin (very lean), cauliflower, asparagus. Very healthy Easter lunch indeed. Success to me again - I chose not to have bread with my lunch, nor cheese sauce on my cauliflower. Dessert, again success - I had purchased PC Blue Menu Apple Crisp - one serving is just 2 points!! I transferred the apple crisp into my own baking dish (he he) and baked it, and passed it off as "home baked", which, technically, it was! Everyone else had ice cream with their dessert. Not me. I had it plain. YES! I'mn catching on! There were also some sickly sweet Easter cookies. I passed on those and gave the leftovers to my daughter's boyfriend and his family to take home. YES!!!

In the early evening (around 5:30 p.m.) I had a Fibre 1 bar - 2 points - to hold me over while I decided what to do about supper... Supper. Supper. Did I really need it? Nooooo. Supper, therefore, consisted of a hot cross bun with 1 tsp of butter. toasted. delicous. and a yogurt on the side.

All in all, I had a very successful weekend. I recognized the cinnamon buns were not worth 8 points - although I wished I had checked them BEFORE I ate one at all!! *sigh* note to self: Check first, inhale cinnamon buns second!

Now it's Monday. How am I doing? I didn't have time for breakfast this morning before I left home. I packed my cereal. Added some berries (in a baggie for later). I bought skim milk at work (5 pts). I had my healthy breakfast, as usual. Mid morning snack - Fibre 1 bar (2 pts)
Lunch wads a tuna sandwich (4 pts... the way I make it, it's just 4 points, but WW bread is key!), an apple (1 pt) 1 fat free sugar free yogurt (1 pt). I'm on track....

Hope my enthusiasm lasts the entire week!

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