Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Success is a great word.  I love the way it sounds so forceful when you say it!  Try it... SUCCESS!!
Lifts your mood, makes you smile, makes you feel... well... successful!

I had a good weigh-in on Saturday, down 2.2 lbs. Yea me!  Yea program!    I've stayed on track since then and have written down every morsel that I put in my mouth.  Sometimes I think dreaming about certain foods carries 'points'.. should I write that down?

Snacking at night is my biggest issue.  Not that I'm hungry.  I think it's just a nasty habit. Last night, I was craving something crispy and salty, something, oh say like potato chips!  I must confess, I bought a small bag at the train station last night, tracked it, wrote it down.  Still good.  Followed that bag with a chaser of water. A full bottle.  It satisfied my craving for crispy and salty, for a moment.  So, back to last night - after dinner - my danger time. 

Knowing what I wanted, and knowing that there was nothing in my house that even remotely resembled potato chips (yea!!) I sliced myself some fresh strawberries - 2 cups worth! - and then poured some Lemon yougurt over the whole thing, 1 cup.  I was surprised, and very delighted, to learn how satisfied I was following my delicious snack.

Last night = success... the sound of success... crisp, clean, forceful!

Gotta love it!

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