Monday, March 22, 2010


Numbers are important.  Numbers give us our bearings, as in an address, or latitude/longitude etc.  Numbers can be insignificant, like the number of times I smacked myself in the head for forgetting my delicious homemade lunch today. Or the number I get when i step on my scale...that number is actually pretty scary!   But really, they are just numbers, holding no power over me!  So here are some of my numbers today - what are yours?

3641 - steps this morning walking to work from Union station in Toronto to my office.

187 - stairs I walked up this morning.

7 - coffee shops I pass along my walking route into work.

1 - forgotten lunch at home.

2 - visits to Tim Horton's to buy tea (with skim milk)

0 - wins at said Tim Horton's.

74 - pounds to go to my target weight.

1 - case of water in my office

1 - singular sensation!  I'm tracking.

1 comment:

Rhonda said...

keep up the good work, sounds like you are doing sure look beautiful to me!