Monday, January 5, 2009

New Year, New Me??

Well, it's been a while, so thought it best if I got at it again....

It's January. Time for resolutions. Time to break resolutions. Time for a new me!
After eating my way through December, it was time to get real again. I went at it, hard core, in November and early December and lost 9 pounds. Proud proud moment. ....Fleeting moment.

Christmas week - up 1.6, and the week in between up 3.6. Yikes. Who knew shortbread could be so fattening? Okay seriously. I know.

So, I'm back on track... and learning to love me. My 51st birthday is next month and I'm already dreading it. I am determined to lose my *gulp* 70 pounds this year. Seriously. I am. I have the cuteset clothes in my closet. Or at least they were cute when they fit me 6 years ago! They were also in style then too. Sigh. I read through my past entries.... I feel like such a gainer. I'd say loser, but even at losing weight I'm a reverse loser, so that makes me a gainer.

I feel encouraged - thanks to MaryJane, Sue (L) and Sue (N) and Jackie, and Mai, and everyone else in my WW group on Saturday mornings. Knowing that everyone asks every week "how'd ya do?" makes me want to crawl under a rock some weeks... but overall, I know they are serioulsy interested in how i'm doing, as I am in them.

Weighing, measuring.... tracking. I'm talking about food here, not my body! Weighing my food, measuring my food, tracking my food. Funny how that works!

Exciting news - have an exercise DVD.... I put it in.... I watched it... I didn't even break into a sweat! Hmmmph.

So I guess I need to be 'walking it off'..... I hate January. Stupid resolutions!

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