Tuesday, January 27, 2009


What is agony? It's when you've been 'good' all week and your weight goes UP! AGONIZING to see the number for sure. Agony is seeing the perfect pair of boots and no money in the bank to buy them... AGONIZING! But really, agony is when you hurt your back and you have no stomach muscles. THAT, my friends, is real agony.

Last week, somehow I hurt my back. I had to go to Kingston and by the time i got there I was close to tears from the pain. Deciding that sitting in the Queen's U library for 5 hours working was not the best idea for my back, so I sat for 3 hours in a local Starbucks. Thankfully, I had some cash so I was well hydrated with my Skinny London Fog! Of course, after hour 2 I was a bit hungry but too sore to move much, so I had a pumpkin scone. This has got to be the yummiest creation ever made... at the sacrificial point range of 9. Sigh. I ate it.

Knowing that my pain was not going to go away in the too soft seats, I looked up the number of the hotel on the internet.. oh, another point... i'll come back to that one*... and called. Um no it's 10:30 and check in isn't until 3 p.m. Okay, but I am in agony sitting here at Starbucks. Yes, said the quasi-friendly voice at the hotel, I can understand how sitting in a Starbucks spending your life savings on designer coffee could be painful! No no, you don't understand, I'm in pain!

Finally, after giving a very convincing sob story, which had nothing to do with the price of coffee, I was told there was a room available but it was on the 4th floor. I really didn't care... as long as it had a bed I could lay my aching body down on! I walked the 2 blocks to the hotel and checked in. The 4th floor... is the same floor as the pool. The pool was a stone's throw from my room. The hallway reeked of chlorine... and so did my room. But... I was in too much pain to worry too much about it. I got on the bed and after crying for 20 minutes, finally found a spot that didn't hurt too much, and drifted off into a fitful sleep.

Later that evening, my husband (who was in Kingston with me, at another meeting) took our son and daughter-in-law (the son that is NOT married to our daughter-in-law) out for supper at a TexMex place where I set my sights on being "good" but after the free nachos and salsa, and a feast on fajitas... all sense of good was blown away like chaff.

I actually weighed-in while I was in Kingston, the morning after the texmex binge. I was up 0.8 lbs. ARGH. Of course lying around most of the week and then eating mass quanitities on a friday night, well, what could I possibly expect?

So, now it's Tuesday, I am at home. Blogging. The pain is worse than before. I am sure I will be up this week as well as any muscle I may have had is in such spasm right now that it's just no good. I'm in agony.

This blog is not as cleverly written (as if the others had been!) as my previous ones, pain prevents me from being too witty today!

* internet. Starbucks is listed as an internet hotspot. So, when you get a connection you get a message that tells you tht you can "buy" 2 hrs of internet time with your Starbucks card (those little gift card things). Are you nuts? I opened up the list of active sites in the area.... and voila, two doors down from Starbucks, in Kingston, is a quaint little place called "The Sleepless Goat" (http://www.thesleeplessgoat.ca/) (I highly recommend that for lunch... they have really different foods, kind of a hippie type atmosphere). Anyway, The Goat has free internet... free.... and the signal picks up in the Starbucks. So, thank you to the goat for letting me use your internet while sipping expensive tea in Starbucks.

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