Monday, August 31, 2009

Saying goodbye to summer and hello to the deliciousness of fall!

What happened to summer? Today is August 31st. I am at odds to figure out exactly where it went or what I did. What little tan I had is now faded, thanks to the weeks of off and on rain! The sun only shines when I go to work! And what about vacation? I had two weeks off in July and for the most part, it rained! There is some evil plot afoot to ensure I don't enjoy my summer. So we are saying goodbye... to summer... or so it seems.

But, now that I've accepted that fact, and that tomorrow marks the 1st of September (yikes), I find myself pondering on what I accomplished over the summer. So here's my list:

1. Drew a line in the sand. That was a momentous day for me. Stop the merry-go-round of weight loss and hit the real starting line!
2. Played on the beach, trying hard to keep my toes out of the sea. That is, the figurative sea of bbq'd delights and decadent foods of the summer - like incredibly delicious potato salads and pasta salads, and fatty burgers, and hot dogs, and sausages, and potatoes baked on the grill and then loaded with butter AND sour cream (not that fat free stuff either!) Ah, the beach.
3. Realized that playing on the beach was dangerous for me... the ocean tends to come in with huge waves and I feared being dragged out to sea - a sea of endless and mindless eating (aren't I dramatic?)
4. Opted to play in the sandbox - where I had boundaries and I was safe! I enjoyed the sandbox for several weeks, and lost weight consistently. The sandbox is good.
5. Missed a few WW meetings due to out of town work related meetings. Held my own as far as weight loss was concerned - no gain, no loss. Felt successful.
6. Missed 3 weeks straigtht! Yikes! NOW I'm worried. I was in Quebec City one week (see previous blog posts), and then had out of town guests (aka our kids visiting) for two weeks. Bye bye!

Now, here I am - and it's August 31st... my summer is done, my will was bent a bit (not entirely broken). So where does that leave me? Ready to get back at it. I was reasonably careful what I was eating over the past few weeks - reasonably as in I reasoned with myself. In fact here's a true, seriously, conversation I had with myself just yesterday:

Me to Self (M2S): Self, do you think your fall clothes are going to go over that rather large butt of yours?
Self to Me (S2M): Get thee behind me, Me.
M2S: I'd love to but the behind part is rather big... can I just peak around instead?
S2M: Cheeky, aren't you?
M2S: You're the "cheeky" one... have you seen those cheeks? Check out a mirror lately?
S2M: Brat
M2S: So, now that the summer is just about done, where are you going to take that butt of yours?
S2M: Hey, I bought a stepper this summer!
M2S: Watching it doesn't help the butt! You need to get on it!
S2M: One 'step' at a time, dear Me, one step at a time!
M2S: You're hopeless.

The fall - it represents all the deliciousness of the season - wonderful root vegetables, squashes, pot roast, the return of mashed potatoes, turkey, pumpkin pie, and don't forget apples - apple pie, apple crisp, apple brown betty (whatever that is!)... and a scale that may not be able to hold me after all of this delicousness.

So, I'll weigh in on Saturday, face the scale, and maybe - just maybe - I'll actually try to get on that stepper!

But it's just one step at a time.... one step.

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