Tuesday, June 9, 2009

In the land of the living.

Well, after almost two weeks off work with pneumonia, I am back! That just about knocked the socks right off me! No Dr. Pain for two weeks. No Mister Softee. No food pretty much. My neighbour made me a big pot of chicken soup, which I devoured daily. It was the only thing I really had any taste buds for. At the end of week one, although I didn't officially "weigh in", I weighed myself at home thinking "ya baby, I'm going to be way down"....


Week two I began to eat again as I gained strength. I enjoyed my food and thought it tasted so good - especially after a steady diet of soup. I weighed in on Saturday and was down 1.8 pounds. Go figure. I was happy!! Don't get me wrong, I just never really understood the 'don't eat - gain, eat - lose' phenomenon! I'll take it gratefully and move on.

So, this week, challenges include writing 3 papers in one week. Last night I was up until 1 a.m. writing. The alarm went off at 5 a.m. and let me tell you, I was not the most pleasant person this morning. I've already had 2 coffees today and I'm still going on auto pilot. Tonight another paper, and then a third due on Friday. I'm still not sure why I insist on pressuring myself like this - it's not like I don't have anything else to do!

I'm tracking this week. I'm weighing and measuring my food this week. I'm desperate to be a healthy weight.

So, here I am... back from the land of the lost to the land of the living. Back to my challenges of walking past all the ice cream trucks daily. Seriously, it's still cool out, WHO buys ice cream when its' cool out? (I could be tempted to!)

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