Monday, August 18, 2008

Monday Monday....

Well, I made it through the weekend!  I thought it would be awkward visiting with all the former 'in-laws' but it was not.  My former mother-in-law looked feeble and had aged greatly since the last time I saw her.  My brothers-in-law were genuine in their warmth.  It was good to see everyone, almost everyone.

The reception - I know you are waiting to hear how I did.  I had two 2 TWO small sandwiches.  Small triumph! Also had some veggies and fruit.  I felt I did great - until I got to the squares.  Oh my!  'Nuff said.

My husband and I had a quieter afternoon, being home alone for a while.  My daughter stayed in the city to visit with her dad and uncles.  We ended up going to a friend's place for dinner and had the most delicious corn, picked that morning.  It was also good to spend time with friends.

Sunday I was back on track and doing well. 

Tonight, I am hosting a fall/holiday partylite launch at my house.  I'm looking forward to it (please consider yourself invited!!)  I became a consultant several months ago, mostly to feed my partylite addiction - it's probably better that I have THAT addiction, rather than my FOOD addiction.

So, now I am sitting here at home updating this blog, while chocolate chip cookies are baking in the oven.  The smell is wonderful.  I'll try my hardest NOT to overdo the cookies today.
I'm working at home this week (most of this week, anyway).  It's a nice refreshing change.  Okay, so right now I'm technically NOT working - I'm baking.  But I've already put in a few hours of work, and now I'm taking a break.  

I didn't get to weigh in on the weekend - it was just too busy, and the time lines were just too tight - tight, kinda like my jeans!  TIGHT!

I started my day with a walk around the block - I was sweaty when I got home so I figured I had done a good workout.... or maybe it's just hot out today.  Whatever.  Its the idea of exercise!

okay, so I'm on track and exercising and watching what I eat... like the nice fresh hot cookie I just popped into my mouth. 

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