Monday, June 13, 2011


DOWN 3.6 lbs.
Total over last 3 weeks = 7.7
Total over the last few months = 10.5 lbs

Guess I will keep on going!!!!

'Nuff said

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Progress... progress...

Week 2 of my no/low carb diet proved a flop - I didn't lose an ounce.  Not one.  Nada. Nyet. Zilch. 
BUT... I am not wavering.  I did speak to a friend (doctor) who told me I needed some complex carbs in my diet, more than what I was getting.  So here in week 3 I added sweet potatoes to my evening meals.  I also started having oatmeal in the morning for breakfast. I was finding I wasn't full enough and started to feel a bit lightheaded by mid-morning.  I've also been exercising (toning) in an effort to tighten up the jelly-belly!

She also suggested using a whole grain wrap - which I did.  I bought, at her suggestion, wraps by "LaTortilla Factory".  These are huge.  They have 18g of carbs but 12g of FIBRE!  So does that make it net 6g useless carbs? Yes.    6 g.  Not bad.  They taste good. I've been having those with roast turkey breast, lettuce, tomatoes, cukes, and a dash of spicy mustard. I cut them in half (big) and have 1/2 a wrap around 11:00 when I'm hungry, and save the other half for mid-afternoon when I'm hungry again.  I'm finding that I'm not nearly has lightheaded (no blond jokes here please) nor am I at that ravenous hungry stage when I get home! 

Better yet.  I tried my dress on this morning for my daughter's wedding... it ZIPPED UP!!!!!!!!  I was so excited I began to cry. 

So what I learned this week was:
1.  I need to eat a bit more (done)
2.  I needed to add some complex carbs (done)
3.  It's more about how I feel than how I look - the dress zipped up!! 
4.  Never - ever - give up!

I'll update you after weigh in Saturday!   Until then... eat up! But eat well!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Week 2 of no(low) carbs week.

To update you, last Saturday I weighed in after week one of pretty much no carbs.  Much to my delight, I was down 4.1 lbs.  YES!!! Success!  But that was last week....

On Saturday evening (May 28) we had my husband's former staff and former work colleagues over  for a BBQ.  We handled all the food and "beverages" so that I would know exactly what was in everything and could plan accordingly.  I did really well.  For the most part.  Not going to lie... had a few fistful's of 'trail mix'.  I calculated the points to be 5 per fistful.  UGH UGH UGH UGH UGH.  I was successful though, with the main food - no bread - I had a burger and topped it with tomato, lettuce, pickles, etc but no bun. Ate it like a cheap steak. I sure hope this is not going to be the norm for the summer!  No pasta salad - left that for our guests.  I consumed mass quantities of a delicious spinach salad which was full of sliced mushrooms, very thinly sliced red onion, some other green leafy lettuce to add a variation on the green colour, and topped that with some fat free vinaigrette dressing. 

It's really odd, but once you get back into eating the junk stuff, it's hard to break free again!  Sunday morning, all I craved was trail mix!  Weird but true.  Yes - I had some.  And counted it.  And felt incredibly guilty.  And....   then had more.  And counted it.  And felt incredibly guilty....   And moved the bag to a place that was inconvenient for me.  But I found it on Monday!

For the most part, the week has been good with great successes.  Last night I went to a "Ladies Night" and listened to a gentleman from a local garden centre talk about container planting.  The dinner that was included with the ticket price was a salad supper - so there were about 12 different types of salad.  I stuck to only the leafy green ones that were not already doused in dressing.  Steered completely away from potato, pasta, etc.  So, no protein for dinner last night.  Boo.  The desserts were a mass of gooey creations that looked fabulous but I knew would set me right back.  There was a fruit tray - the lesser of all the evils - I had fruit. 

I decided to post a picture of "the dress" on my fridge at home so that each time I open it I will see it and be reminded that it still needs to zip up by July 31! 

I can do it!  I think I can... I think I can.... I think I can....  wait - change thought patterns - I KNOW I can!!

Weigh in tomorrow.  Hoping for 1-2 pounds.  Wish me luck!