Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Mid-week Musings

Well, it's hump day, Wednesday that is.  I've been a bit under the weather but improving.  I am now heading into the busiest three weeks of my year.

I am out of town at meetings this week from Friday to Sunday.  I am home Monday and Tuesday.  Wednesday (a week from today) I leave for Amsterdam.  I am there until the following Monday.  Home Tuesday and Wednesday, and then off to Kelowna, BC where I will stay until Sunday a.m.  THEN, finally, I am home until June!  Yea!!!!

So my challenges will be - tons of flights over the next few weeks, tons of unhealthy eating, tons of sitting in meeting rooms. 

Update from last week:  stayed the same.  No change in weight.  So relieved I wasn't "up" that the number was a pleasure to see!

Will update again soon - from somewhere!

Enjoy the sunshine!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Surviving the bunny

I did it.  With very little chocolate intake, I survived the bunny!  I did have a few (6?) small foil chocolate eggs.  Otherwise, I was ok.

I had lots of company over the weekend.  My children were all home, Jay & Liz, their 3 dogs, Adam, Kirstie, her boyfriend Steve, my sister & her husband Kevin, my niece and her husband Dave and their 2 month old son, friends, more friends.  Lots of cooking.  Lots of eating.  I managed to not have seconds, not even once.  he he, get the irony?  sigh..ok.  Anyway, I ate an ooey gooey sloppy incredibly sweet buttertart on Sunday afternoon.  The syrupy goodness was dripping out of the wonderfully divine pastry.  Oh my goodness... nuff said. 

I'm happy to be back at work today. I'm happy to be back to some semblance of normalacy.  I'm happy not to have any chocolate in site!

Oh, and by the way, I was down 1.6 lbs on Saturday.  So the count is now:

NEW GOAL = 74 lbs
TO DATE = -3.8
Lbs TO GO = 70.2


Thursday, April 1, 2010

All you can eat fries!

Seriously.  Who does that?  We stopped at Swiss Chalet last night - I've been so focussed and needed just a wee break. Work has been tough this week with year end and a competition deadline.  Just needed something extra.  I chose my meal - quarter chicken, white, witha multigrain roll, and (gulp) yes fries! And a club soda with lime to drink.  I counted it all, no worries there.


We weren't quite finished when our server came up and asked "would you like more fries? they're free!"  ARE YOU NUTS?  Well, actually I did want more fries. Swiss Chalet fries have to be the best on the planet (next to the Rose Potato Farm).  However, i was strong - and gave a polite "no thank you."    So, although I did have the fries, I didn't have the free (all you can eat) seconds, thirds....

Enjoy your Easter weekend - weigh in is Saturday, I'll let you know how it's going!